FFXIV How to Blacklist

FFXIV How to Blacklist Someone? [Step-by-step Guide 2023]

Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that allows players to interact with each other in an immersive virtual world.

One feature of the game is the ability to blacklist certain players from interacting with you. This can be useful for dealing with unwanted messages or players who are causing problems in the game.

In this guide, we will go over the steps on how to blacklist players in FFXIV, including how to add and remove players from your blacklist, as well as how to view your current blacklist.

What are the Friend List and Blacklist?

Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) allows players to blacklist certain players from interacting with them in the game. This feature can be useful for dealing with unwanted messages or players who are causing problems. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to blacklist players in FFXIV:

Step 1: Open the Main Menu

In the game, press the Escape key to open the Main Menu.

Step 2: Select the “Social” Tab

In the Main Menu, select the “Social” tab. This will open a list of options related to player interactions.

Step 3: Click on the “Blacklist” option

In the Social tab, click on the “Blacklist” option. This will open a list of players that you have currently blacklisted.

Step 4: Add a player to the Blacklist

To add a player to the blacklist, click on the “Add Player” button. A window will appear where you can enter the player’s name or select them from your friend’s list. Once you have selected a player, click on the “Add” button to add them to the blacklist.

Step 5: Remove a player from the Blacklist

To remove a player from the blacklist, select the player from the list, and then click on the “Remove” button. This will remove the player from your blacklist.

Step 6: View the Blacklist

You can view the blacklist at any time by selecting the “Blacklist” option in the Social tab. This will open a list of players that you have currently blacklisted.

Note: Once a player is blacklisted, they will not be able to send you any messages, invite you to a party, or form a free company with you. It’s important to use the blacklist feature responsibly and not to abuse it.

In conclusion, by following these steps, you can easily add and remove players from your blacklist in FFXIV, giving you more control over your interactions with other players in the game.

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What is the blacklist feature in FFXIV?

The blacklist feature in FFXIV allows players to block certain players from interacting with them in the game. This can include blocking unwanted messages, party invites, and free company invites.

How do I add a player to my blacklist in FFXIV?

To add a player to your blacklist in FFXIV, open the Main Menu, select the “Social” tab, click on the “Blacklist” option, and then click on the “Add Player” button. You can then enter the player’s name or select them from your friends list and click on the “Add” button.

How do I remove a player from my blacklist in FFXIV?

To remove a player from your blacklist in FFXIV, open the Main Menu, select the “Social” tab, click on the “Blacklist” option, select the player from the list, and then click on the “Remove” button.

Can a player know if they have been blacklisted by another player?

No, a player will not be notified if they have been blacklisted by another player. They will simply be unable to interact with the player who blacklisted them.

Can I view my current blacklist at any time?

Yes, you can view your current blacklist at any time by opening the Main Menu, selecting the “Social” tab, and clicking on the “Blacklist” option.

Can I un-blacklist a player?

Yes, you can remove a player from your blacklist at any time by following the steps outlined in the guide above.

Is it appropriate to use the blacklist feature for petty reasons or to harass other players?

No, it is not appropriate to use the blacklist feature for petty reasons or to harass other players. The blacklist feature should be used responsibly and only for legitimate reasons.

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